1Q84 Cover Redesign
Apr 2022
As rare as it is, minimum software rendering were involved in this cover design. Everything was hand composed, photographed, and then scanned and put together in Photoshop.
As a reference, it is a story taken place in a parallel world of Tokyo in 1984 “An unnervingly silent teenager captivates Japan with her mystical literary debut. Two long-separated lovers hurtle towards each other through the discontinuity of time and space. A second moon appears in the sky.
Nothing is as it seems in “1Q84,” Haruki Murakami’s 2009 genre-bending novel.” (Quoting from the book review by Leanna B. Ehrlich) . To me, the book seems almost too soft and poetic to be a mystery novel.
The sketch I made after I first read 1Q84 in 12th grade.